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Foto-Foto Terbaik Pesawat Militer 2015 Versi Aviation Week

BuAF pilot and MiG-29Kompetisi tahunan foto-foto pesawat terbaik yang digelar Aviation Week menjadi ajang untuk mengadu hasil jepretan terbaik. Untuk kategori defense, tidak kurang dari 90 foto yang ikut berkompetisi dari 50 negara bagian AS dan 14 negara lainnya, yang mewakili setiap benua kecuali Antartika. Dan inilah foto-foto terbaik yang masuk dalam final.

Red Flag 15-2 Convergence

Rare moment at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, Red Flag action.
Photo: Alan Sondak, Las Vegas

Nellis F-15 on final for 3R, Red Flag 15-2 

One of those perfect photography moments during Red Flag.

Photo:  Alan Sondak, Las Vegas

Colorado Albatross

This L-39 had just landed after flying aggressor sorties with the U.S. military earlier in the day.

Photo:  Angelo Bufalino, Highlands Ranch, Colorado

‘Manik Moon’

2014 CF-18 Demonstration Pilot Capt. Adam “Manik” Runge passes in front of the August “Super Moon” during his Twilight Demo at the 2014 Abbotsford International Airshow.

Photo:  Stuart Sanders, Naniamo, British Columbia

Jumpers Away!

Two static jump parachutists and World War II reenactors jump from a C-47 Dakota nicknamed “TiCo Belle” during the 2015 TiCo Warbird Airshow in Titusville, Florida.

Photo:  Daniel Adams, New York

Osprey Dustup

A U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey kicks up a ton of dust while coming in to land during a Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) demonstration at Rye Playland, New York during Fleet Week New York activities.

Photo:  Daniel Adams, New York

C-5 Galaxy Howitzer Unload

A C-5M Super Galaxy prepares to unload an M109A6 Paladin howitzer.

Photo:  Stephen Burke, Vacaville, California

F-18 Super Hornet Catapult Launch

Flight deck of the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) Aircraft Carrier.

Photo:  Larry Manion, Oxnard, California

Strike Eagle Launch

An F-15E Strike Eagle from Mountain Home AFB blasts into the skies above Nellis AFB at the start of yet another Red Flag 15-3 sortie.

Photo:  Daniel Adams, New York

Magic Carpet approach

Salty Dog 100 on approach during Magic Carpet testing aboard USS George H.W. Bush.

Photo:  Alan Wirth, Lexington Park, Maryland


Military parade of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Photo:  Apostolos Liakopoulos, Evosmos, Greece

Ice Flyin’

A U.S. Coast Guard MH-60T from USCG Kodiak low level over the Arctic ice off Deadhorse, Alaska.

Photo:  Dan Megna, Coronado, California

Safe on Deck

Maryland State Police, September 17 9:24 pm EST.

Photo:  Allison Oyler, Chester, Maryland

BuAF pilot and MiG-29

Bulgarian air force pilot preparing for a training mission with fully armed MiG-29. Graf Ignatievo Air Base, Bulgaria.

Photo:  Ognyan Stefanov, Sofia, Bulgaria

Bulgarian NAVY Panther

Bulgarian Navy AS-565MB Panther during SAR training flight. Black Sea coastline, Bulgaria.

Photo:  Ognyan Stefanov, Sofia, Bulgaria

French Bastille Salute

The French Patrouille de France fly over Paris in a Croix de Lorraine formation, smoke on!

Photo:  Stephen Wolf, Antony, France

Bastille transport formation

A French air force A400M transport leads two C-130 Hercules over a Paris landmark, the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel.

Photo:  Stephen Wolf, Antony, France

French Rafale afterburner 

French Rafale afterburner turn at the World Aerobatics Competition Air Show in Chateauroux, France.

Photo:  Evan Peers, Pollock Pines, California

War Birds

A bird soars as four of five F15 fighter aircraft from the Massachusetts National Guard fly over Boston during a scheduled training mission, Nov. 13, 2014.

Photo:  Mark Garfinkel, Winthrop, Massachuusets

F-15C Eagle

F-15C at the Joint Base Andrews Air Show.

Photo:  Ricardo Von Puttkamr, New York, N.Y.

On the hell

EC-725 Caracal helicopter of the Brazilian air force flying in for Amazon sunsets. In flight over Amazon jungle in Brazil.

Photo:  Hohnson Barros, Brasilia, Brazil


H-60L Black Hawk Helicopters attack in the late afternoon. In flight over Amazon jungle  Brazil.

Photo:  Johnson Barros, Brasilia, Brazil

Over the jungle

H-60L Black Hawk helicopter of the Brazilian air force flies over the Amazon jungle.

Photo:  Johnson Barros, Brasilia, Brazil

The night of the Sabre

AH-2 Sabre Helicopter (Mil Mi-35) in night takeoff procedure at Porto Velho air base, Brazil.

Photo:  Johnson Barros, Brasilia, Brazil


Two rescuers jumping from an SC-105 Amazona (CASA-295) over the Santa Catarina shore in Brazil.

Photo:  Johnson Barros, Brasilia, Brazil


Two rescuers jumping from an SC-105 Amazona (CASA-295) over the Santa Catarina shore in Brazil.

Photo:  Johnson Barros, Brasilia, Brazil


Engine maintenance of a C-95 Bandeirante, Brazilian air force, Brazil.

Photo:  Johnson Barros, Brasilia, Brazil

Testing down low

A B-1 bomber from the 337th Test and Evaluation Sqdn. at Dyess AFB, Texax, flies a low-level mission over southern New Mexico.

Photo:  James Haseltine, Omaha, Nebraska

Two over the GC

The 61st Sqdn. commander’s aircraft and his wingman fly in formation over the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Photo:  James Haseltine, Omaha, Nebraska

The South Rim

A two ship of F-35’s from the 61st Fighter Sqdn. at Luke AFB, Arizona, flies over the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Photo:  James Haseltine, Omaha, Nebraska

Two at the GC

A two ship of F-35’s flies over the Grand Canyon.

Photo:  James Haseltine, Omaha, Nebraska

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