
    10 Senjata Sniper Terbaik Sepanjang Masa






    DRAGUNOV SVD (Soviet Union) - The Dragunov sniper rifle (&quot;Sniper Rifle, System of Dragunov, Model of the Year 1963&quot;) is a semi-automatic sniper/designated marksman rifle chambered in 7.62&amp;#195;&amp;#8212;54mmR and developed in the Soviet Union.<br />
The Dragunov was designed as a squad support weapon since, according to Soviet and Soviet-derived military doctrines, the long-range engagement ability was lost to ordinary troops when submachine guns and assault rifles (which are optimized for close-range and medium-range, rapid-fire combat) were adopted. For that reason, it was originally named  &quot;Self-Loading Rifle, System of Dragunov, Model of the Year 1963.&quot;<br />
It was selected as the winner of a contest that included three competing designs: by Sergei Simonov, Aleksandr Konstantinov and Yevgeny Dragunov. Extensive field testing of the rifles conducted in a wide range of environmental conditions resulted in Dragunov&amp;#226;&amp;#8364;&amp;#8482;s proposal being accepted into service in 1963. An initial pre-production batch consisting of 200 rifles was assembled for evaluation purposes, and from 1964 serial production was carried out by Izhmash.<br />
    DRAGUNOV SVD (Soviet Union) – The Dragunov sniper rifle (“Sniper Rifle, System of Dragunov, Model of the Year 1963”) is a semi-automatic sniper/designated marksman rifle chambered in 7.62×54mmR and developed in the Soviet Union. The Dragunov was designed as a squad support weapon since, according to Soviet and Soviet-derived military doctrines, the long-range engagement ability was lost to ordinary troops when submachine guns and assault rifles (which are optimized for close-range and medium-range, rapid-fire combat) were adopted. For that reason, it was originally named “Self-Loading Rifle, System of Dragunov, Model of the Year 1963.” It was selected as the winner of a contest that included three competing designs: by Sergei Simonov, Aleksandr Konstantinov and Yevgeny Dragunov. Extensive field testing of the rifles conducted in a wide range of environmental conditions resulted in Dragunov’s proposal being accepted into service in 1963. An initial pre-production batch consisting of 200 rifles was assembled for evaluation purposes, and from 1964 serial production was carried out by Izhmash.

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