
    7 Politisi Wanita Paling Moy






    Politik adalah dunia keras. Bukan secara fisik tetapi secara mental. Tetapi di dunia yang penuh strategi saling mengalahkan bahkan menjatuhkan banyak terdapat wanita-wanita cantik yang terlibt di politik baik langsung maupun karena terbawa peran suami. Dan berikut tujuh wanita cantik dan sexy di dunia politik


    1. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton has been thrust into the public spotlight after her marriage to Prince William. While her new role as Duchess of Cambridge is largely ceremonial, she’s embraced the diplomatic side of her position. She also gives Princess Letizia and Carla Bruni some competition in Europe.


    2. Charlotte Casiraghi

    Charlotte Casiraghi, the daughter Caroline, Princess of Hanover, and businessman Stefano Casiraghi, is technically a private citizen, but she’s still fourth in line to the throne of Monaco. She regularly shows up to official events dressed in the latest couture styles.



    3. Carla Bruni

    Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy may have raised some eyebrows when he first began seeing singer and model Carla Bruni less than 2 months after separating from his 2nd wife. But since the two were wed in February of 2008, she’s become a French icon.


    4. Mary Bono Mack

    Republican Mary Bono-Mack has made a name for herself by serving as a U.S. Representative from California since 1998. She’s Sonny Bono’s widow, but she’s since remarried fellow politician Connie Mack.4. Mary Bono Mack
    Republican Mary Bono-Mack has made a name for herself by serving as a U.S. Representative from California since 1998. She’s Sonny Bono’s widow, but she’s since remarried fellow politician Connie Mack.


    5. Princess Letizia

    Formerly a journalist with CNN, Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano married Prince Felipe of Spain in 2004 and is now known throughout Spain and the world as Princess Letizia. The Spanish people accepted Letizia upon her marriage as an accomplished journalist who represented the modern woman.


    6. Samantha Cameron

    British business woman Samantha Cameron has been thrust into the political game as her husband, British Prime Minister David Cameron’s political career has taken off.


    7. Meghan McCain

    Meghan McCain has branded herself as the face of a new generation of Republicans. In her frequent columns and politically-motivated Twitter postings, Meghan has created a new GOP archetype by embracing the gay political agenda while simultaneously supporting her party on political and economic issues.

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