NUMBER 6. BELL AH-1 COBRA is a two-blade, single engine attack helicopter manufactured by Bell Helicopter. It was developed using the engine, transmission and rotor system of the Bell’s UH-1 Iroquois. The AH-1 is also referred to as the HueyCobra or Snake. The AH-1 was the backbone of the United States Army’s attack helicopter fleet, but has been replaced by the AH-64 Apache in Army service. Upgraded versions continue to fly with the militaries of several other nations. The AH-1 twin engine versions remain in service with United States Marine Corps as the service’s primary attack helicopter. Surplus AH-1 helicopters have been converted for fighting forest fires. Two AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters land in central Afghanistan Saturday, Sept. 26, 2009.(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
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