NUMBER 7. SIKORSKY SH-3 SEA KING a twin-engined anti-submarine warfare helicopter designed and built by Sikorsky Aircraft. It was a landmark design, being one of the first ASW helicopter to take advantage of turboshaft engines, as well as being the first amphibious helicopter in the world. Introduced in 1961, it served as the United States Navy as a key ASW and utility asset for several decades before being replaced by the non-amphibious Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk in the 1990s. The type also proved popular in civil service and with foreign military customers, as of 2014 many remain in service in a number of nations around the world. The major civil versions are the S-61L and S-61N.Air-to-air left side view of five SH-3 Sea King antisubmarine warfare helicopters from Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron 12 (HS-12) flying in formation. “SH3H HS15 CVW15 1995” by USN – U.S. DefenseImagery photo
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