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Adu Balap MiG-29 vs Ferrari Ramaikan Oboron Expo-2014

Sebuah demonstrasi kekuatan militer berlangsung di pameran senjata Oboron Expo-2014 di Rusia Zhukovsky akhir pekan ketiga Agustus 2014. Jet tempur dan pesawat latih bersaing dalam kecepatan dengan mobil sport, seperti Ferrari 458 Italia, sebagai bagian dari Forsazh. Tank dan unit lain dari perangkat keras militer Rusia yang ditampilkan menembak sementara ribuan orang menghadiri acara tersebut. Inilah gambar-gambar terbaik dari ajang tersebut.

A MiG-29 jet fighter and a Ferrari 458 Italia compete during the Forsazh (Boost) car and air show
A Yak-54 training aircraft of the First Flight aerobatics team and a Ferrari 458 Italia compete during the Forsazh (Boost) car and air show
A Yak-54 training aircraft of the First Flight aerobatics team performs during the Forsazh (Boost) car and air show
Yak-54 training planes
Yak-54 training planes
Yak-54 training planes
A Sukhoi Su-30 fighter performs during the Forsazh (Boost) car and air show
A Russian infantry combat vehicle and a tank take part in the demonstration program
A T-90A tank takes part in the demonstration program
A Russian soldier demonstrates firearms during the demonstration program
A tank takes part in the demonstration program

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